About 'Preg-Checked' vs. 'Exposed'...
Seller's representation that cows and/or heifers offered for sale within a listing are "confirmed bred by a preg-check" is limited to certifying that the cows/heifers underwent, or will undergo prior to delivery, a preg-check conducted by an individual or entity that seller believes to be qualified and competent and that the preg-check indicated the cows/heifers were pregnant.
However, seller does not guarantee that the cows/heifers that leave seller's premises "confirmed bred by a preg-check" are or will remain pregnant for the full term and give birth to a calf.
Accordingly, buyers should assess the qualifications of the individual/entity that conducted or will conduct the preg-check. Additionally, buyers should anticipate a normal abortion rate which, according to Merck Animal Health, can be up to 5% on an annual rate
Cows and/or heifers being sold as "Exposed" means the seller is certifying that the cows/heifers are or were exposed to a bull or bulls. Although seller may have reason to believe the cows/heifers are pregnant, they sell with no guarantee of being pregnant, and unless guaranteed otherwise, with no guarantee they will conceive.
Calving Period:
Seller's estimate of the period of time in which the cows and/or heifers should give birth to a calf is based on the following:
For cows and/or heifers that are "confirmed bred" by a preg-check, the calving period estimate is based on the results of the preg-check.
For cows and/or heifers that are selling as "exposed" or will undergo a "preg-check" prior to delivery, the calving period estimate is based on the time period in which the cows and/or heifers were or will be exposed to a bull or bulls.