Regional Cattle Auction Reports...
For Wednesday, September 18th - Posted weekly on Thursday
Reported by the USDA Market News... “Click” links to view entire report
North Central States
Hub City Livestock Auction - Aberdeen SD
This Week: 3,253
Last Reported: 3,765
Last Year: 4,141
Compared to last week: steers 850 to 949 lbs mostly steady, 950 to 999 and 1000 to 1049 lbs 3.00 to 5.00 higher. Different weight classes of heifers than last week to develop an accurate price trend, higher undertones noted on heifers. Good to very good demand for this large yearling offering featuring many strings, loads, and packages with the majority of the cattle straight off grass.
Bassett Livestock Auction - Bassett NE
This Week: 4,830
Last Reported: 2,540
Last Year: 3,070
Compared with two weeks ago, 850 lbs steers traded steady 900 to 1000 lbs steers traded 2.0 to 7.00 higher. Limited number of comparable heifer offerings with 950 lbs offerings trading sharply lower. Demand was good with several buyers and active internet bidding.
Huss Livestock Market - Kearney NE
This Week: 3,922
Last Reported: 2,418
Last Year: 3,792
Nice run of yearling feeders on offer along with cow/calf pairs and a few bawling calves selling in the mix. Compared to the comparable offerings from two weeks ago steers over 700 lbs sold steady to 5.00 higher. Demand was moderate to good from the buyers in the crowd.
South Central States
OKC West - El Reno OK
This Week: 7,656
Last Reported: 8,891
Last Year: 7,746
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers traded 3.00-5.00 higher. Demand good. Steer and heifer calves that were weaned sold fully steady to 4.00 higher. Demand remains good despite the heat and lack of moisture.
Clovis Livestock Auction - Clovis, NM
This Week: 2,269
Last Reported: 3,681
Last Year: 2,612
Compared to last weeks sale; Steer calves under 600 lbs sold 4.00-8.00 lower with the exception of 300-350 lbs & 500-550 lbs being steady and 350-400 lbs were 5.00 higher. Steer yearlings sold 2.00-7.00 lower with exception of 650-700 lbs being 5.00 higher. Heifer calves were 6.00-7.00 lower except for 450-500 lbs at 4.00 higher. Feeder heifers sold 6.00-10.00 lower.
Winter Livestock - Dodge City, KS
This Week: 1,916
Last Reported: 1,883
Last Year: 2,793
Compared to last week, feeder steers under 600 lbs sold 5.00 to 10.00 lower, with the exception of 300 to 400 lbs which sold sharply higher. Steers over 600 lbs sold 4.00 to 6.00 higher. Heifers under 700 lbs sold 7.00 to 10.00 higher, except for 4-weight heifers 5.00 to 7.00 lower. Heifers over 700 lbs were not well tested. Several Fancy heifer lots sold sharply higher. Breaker and Boning slaughter cows sold steady to 3.00 higher, while Lean cows sold 5.00 to 8.00 lower. Slaughter bulls sold 1.00 to 2.00 lower.
Midwest States
Bloomfield Livestock Market - Bloomfield, IA
This Week: 1,658
Last Reported: 1,150
Last Year: 1,670
"OFF GRASS SPECIAL", no trend as this was off grass heavy feeders. Trade active with good demand for the moderate offerings.
Springfield Livestock Auction - Springfield MO
This Week: 747
Last Reported: 1,303
Last Year: 941
Compared to last week, steers sold mostly steady to 3.00 higher and heifers sold steady to 5.00 lower based on limited comparisons. Demand was moderate on a moderate to light supply.
South Central Regional Stockyards - Vienna MO
This Week: 332
Last Reported: 1,225
Last Year: 273
Feeder supply not sufficient to establish a market trend. Slaughter cows 6.00-9.00 lower. Demand moderate to good. Bawling calves are getting seasonally harder to sell. Cattle futures are performing fairly well so far this week despite continuing downward pressure on choice cutout values.
Roanoke Stockyard - Roanoke AL
This Week: 1,112
Last Reported: 1,007
Last Year: 1,361
Compared to two weeks ago: Feeder heifers sold 3.00 to 5.00 higher, feeder steers and bulls sold 5.00 to 7.00 lower. Slaughter cows and bulls sold sharply lower. Replacement cows and pairs sold mostly steady.