Regional Cattle Auction Reports...

For Monday, January 20th - Posted weekly on Tuesday

Reported by the USDA Market News... “Click” links to view entire report.

North Central States

Sioux Falls Regional Livestock Report - Worthing SD

This Week: 6,306

Last Reported: 7,167

Last Year: 5,365

Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers unevenly steady. Good demand for this very large offering of high quality feeder cattle. 


Tri-State Livestock Auction Market - McCook NE

This Week: 2,123

Last Reported: 3,356

Last Year: 3,395

Compared to last week, steers were steady - 8.00 lower except 550 lbs was 15.00 higher, heifers were steady - 10.00 lower. Demand was good to moderate on a very cold day. 


South Central States

Oklahoma National Stockyards Feeder Cattle - Oklahoma City OK

This Week: 7,100

Last Reported: 7,909

Last Year: 5,836

Compared to last week: Feeder steers over 700lbs 2.00-4.00 lower, under 700lbs 1.00-4.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady to 5.00 lower. Steer and heifer calves steady to 4.00 higher. Demand moderate to good. Condition very uneven. Quality plain to fancy.


Tulsa Livestock Auction - Tulsa, OK

This Week: 2,070

Last Reported: 1,960

Last Year: 521

Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady on light test. Not enough feeder heifers from previous week for test. Higher undertone noted across all weights in steers and heifers. Slaughter cow's steady. Slaughter bulls down 10.00. Demand was good with mostly average offerings.


Roswell Livestock Auction - Roswell, NM

This Week: 1,918

Last Reported: 2,111

Last Year: 2,297

Compared to last weeks sale; Steer calves 300-500 lbs sold 3.00-10.00 lower while 500-550 lbs were 8.00 higher. Steer yearlings sold 4.00-7.00 higher. Heifer calves sold 4.00-12.00 higher instances 16.00-23.00 higher. Feeder heifers 600-650 lbs were 11.00 lower and 650-700 lbs sold 12.00 higher.


Midwest States

Joplin Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle - Carthage, MO 

This Week: 12,595

Last Reported: 10,026

Last Year: 6,700

Compared to last week feeder steers sold steady except weights under 475 lbs. sold 12.00 lower. Feeder heifers sold from 2.00 lower to 8.00 higher with weights under 450 lbs. selling up to 25.00 higher. Supply was heavy with very good demand. 


Callaway Livestock Center - Kingdom City MO 

This Week: 3,447

Last Reported: 3,505

Last Year: 2,354

Compared to last week's very active market, this week's market was very uneven with a light test of 400-500 lb steers selling with a lower undertone, 500-550 lb steers held their ground and traded steady to firm with 550-600 lbs steers selling mostly 5.00-10.00 lower, 600-650 lb steers sold mostly 10.00-15.00 lower with 650-800 lb selling 2.00-5.00 lower and yearling steers over 800 lbs trading 3.00-10.00 lower with the most decline on the 8 weight steers. Feeder heifers weighing 450-550 lbs on a lighter offering than last week sold 10.00-18.00 lower, with 600-650 lb heifers selling steady to firm, and near 350 head of 650-700 lb heifers sold with a firm to higher undertone. 


Southeastern States

Mid-South Livestock - Unionville TN

This Week: 439

Last Reported: 515

Last Year: 0

Compared to last week, Feeder Steers steady to 5.00 lower; Feeder Bulls steady to 8.00 higher; Feeder Heifers 6.00-10.00 higher; Slaughter Cows 3.00-5.00 higher; Slaughter Bulls 5.00 higher.


Saluda Livestock Exchange - Saluda, SC

This Week: 527

Last Reported: 439

Last Year: 0

No comparisons made this week on feeder cattle due to limited comparable sales. Slaughter cows 3.00 higher, slaughter bulls too few to trend. Moderate offerings of plain to average quality cattle with active buyer participation.


United Producers Inc. - Harned KY

This Week: 957

Last Reported: 660

Last Year: 366

Compared to last week : Feeder steers and heifers sold steady to firm , with exception 500 lbs steers 3.00 to 4.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls sold steady.


Western States

None Reported