Trudeau has funneled $10 million into building the largest cricket-processing plant in the world.


The far-left Canadian government has been caught pumping millions of dollars in taxpayer money into plans to eliminate traditional meat for public consumption and replace it with insect-based “foods.”

Canada’s World Economic Forum-controlled leadership has funneled $10 million into building the largest cricket-processing plant in the world.

According to documents obtained by The Counter Signal, the new insect plant will soon start operating out of London, Ontario.

Previous reports from 2022 indicate that Agriculture Canada gave $8.5 million to insect protein producers Aspire Food Group Ltd.

However, this newly uncovered government document suggests that in June 2020, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet secretly committed $10 million from Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED).

The funding injection sought to get the cricket plant designed, built, and operational as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Innovation justified the funds by stating that crickets are a superior source of nutrition over plant-based foods and beef, chicken, and pork products.

“… Farming of insects, rather than animals, for protein uses less feed, water, and land and produces higher quality protein compared to plants,” the document states.

The ministry also indicated that the facility is easily scalable and can “automate large-scale production of cricket protein.”

Trudeau funneled cash to the insect protein company via his green slush fund, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), which is currently embroiled in a mismanagement scandal that caused CEO Leah Lawrence to resign on November 10, as the report notes.

SDTC board president Annette Verschuren also resigned this week after it was discovered she approved $217,000 in funding from SDTC to her own firm.

The $10 million insect protein discovery comes amid concerns from Canadian farmers that the Liberals’ fertilizer emissions reduction targets will harm crop production in the sphere of traditional agriculture.

By 2030, the Trudeau Liberals aim to reduce emissions from fertilizer use by 30% from 2020 levels.

This ambitious target is part of the feds’ plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Fertilizer Canada and the Canola Council of Canada have criticized the Liberal’s ambitious plan, stating that it will reduce crop yields.

The European Commission subsequently promoted the consumption of yellow mealworms and other “novel foods.”

“The EU approval of the yellow mealworm as a novel food was a huge step forward for the industry,” said Eric Archambeau, co-founder of agri-food tech investor firm Astanor Venture.

And while the Great Reset may be the brainchild of WEF founder Klaus Schwab, it should be noted that the United Nations, as well as many other unelected globalist organizations, are fully on board.

The UN is recommending that red meat consumption be reduced to 14 grams (one bite) per day per person as part of their ESG goals and international dietary framework.

Aspire Food Group also announced last year that the company has signed a memorandum of understanding with South Korea’s Lotte Confectionery Co. Ltd.

The deal seeks  “to formalize their cooperation in the distribution and promotion of crickets as food.”