Final Vote was 377 Nays and 49 Yays
On Wednesday afternoon, the full House defeated the Spartz Amendment number 76 that would have prohibited any appropriated funds from helping operate any commodity checkoff programs. The Amendment was overwhelmingly defeated by 377-49 vote.
The Spartz-Massie amendment stated “none of the funds made available by the the FY24 Agriculture Appropriations Act bill may be used to carry out commodity checkoff programs,” and comes on the heels of OCM and CMA’s second Farm Bill Summit and fly-in held in Washington, D.C., Sept. 17-22, where members of OCM, CMA, ALCPGA, the American Grassfed Association, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association, National Dairy Producers Organization (NDPO), and others advocated for reforms to USDA’s Commodity Checkoff Programs in nearly 100 meetings on Capitol Hill, including an in-person meeting with Rep. Massie.