Monthly retail meat prices for the month of March were released by USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). The choice retail beef price was $7.64 per pound, up marginally (+0.7%) from last month but down fractionally (-0.6%) from a year ago.
The March all-fresh retail beef price moved slightly higher from a month earlier to $7.23 per pound but decreased 1.8% from last year. All-fresh and choice beef prices have both been above $7 per pound each month since June 2021. During that time, allfresh beef prices have been between $7.10 to $7.55 per pound, a difference of $0.45 per pound. Choice beef prices have ranged from $7.37 to $7.90 per pound, a spread of $0.54 per pound.
Over the last two years, retail beef prices have remained above $7 per pound, remaining within $0.45 to $0.54 per pound each month.
Source: Daily Livestock Report - Steiner Consulting Group - Full Article