Twenty years ago, The Cattle Range launched a new and successful Internet-based marketing platform for cattle producers. However, nothing stays "new" and things change, especially on the Internet. Online marketing of cattle is shifting to social media, who generate income from utilizing and sharing their users’ personal information.
TCR’s restructured website is dedicated to providing a reliable source of credible market news, prices, and trends organized for quick & convenient access to assist in making the right decisions.
Cattlemen who make the right decisions without studying and analyzing the market are either psychic or lucky. But there are few psychics and not all luck is good luck.
The new site is a gateway to a large amount of market information, data, and news, some of which is readily available if you know where to find it and some is exclusive to The Cattle Range. The value offered is the convenience of having it all accessible at one location, not to mention the value of keeping up-to-date on market news, prices, & trends.
To assist cattle producers in marketing their cattle, TCR is also offering a “Cattle for Sale” section in which links to producers’ Websites and/or Facebook pages are indexed by State.
We are sincerely appreciative of our loyal customers and value the friendships that were made.
Our apologies to those who recently listed cattle for sale… There was not a good option in making the change. When all options were considered, "ripping it off like a Band-Aid" was the least painful.
Refunds of the unearned portion of Enhanced Listing fees in excess of $10 will be remitted prior to July 31st, 2021.